Man, I really need to get in a groove with this blogging thing. Kind of like how I seem to have gotten into a groove with walking.

(Nice segue, huh?)

I started out slow with 3 miles. I hadn’t walked in a long, long time, and I wasn’t sure what my knees could handle. It wasn’t bad, so for the next walk, I made it 4 miles. That was still pretty tame, so I plotted out a 5 mile route, which feels pretty good. I can do it for 2 days in a row, but then I need a break for a day, which is a tad annoying, but I suppose I should be proud of walking 20 miles a week, give or take.

However, I am a Biggest Loser watcher, thanks to Vicki (*grumblemoangroan*), and it got me thinking the other day about figuring out a “Last Chance Workout” of sorts. A longer route that I can do on Fridays before my Saturday meetings. Because I am nothing if not an overachiever.


Anyway, for those of you that don’t know what the Last Chance Workout is (because it’s totally not self-explanatory), it’s where the contestants — who don’t work out enough during the week — work 17 times as hard right before the weekly weigh-in. Because it’s not like they don’t work out for 381018343 hours during the week, of course!

I thought about it and thought about it, and decided on a route that I would plot out, just to see how long it was. To compare, here is the original 5 mile route. My house is where the big red marker is:

no stalking please!

And this is the “Last Chance Workout” I’ve been thinking about:

you call that a challenge!??!?!

Doesn’t really seem like too much of a change, I don’t think, but as it turns out, the new route is TEN MILES LONG.


Now, I admit that I can be an overachiever at times, usually not at the appropriate times, but I think even 10 miles might be pushing it.

And yet, I’m just enough of a masochist to reeeeeeeeally want to try it.

I haven’t said anything about my weigh-ins the past few weeks, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad news. In fact, since February 20th, I’ve gone from 336.8 to 332.8lbs, which averages out to a pound a week. Frustrating slow, I have to say, but the better news is that with the free weight work I’m also doing (because it can’t all be cardio), my clothes feel looser. For the 830185013rd time. Heh.