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As it turns out, I kind of fell off the blogging wagon for a bit. I knew I might. This is an entirely new thing for me, being completely honest with people I do and don’t know. And when I stuttered, weight-wise, I returned to my shell. Which I am trying desperately to break. So I’m back.

It’s hard to get back on the wagon after falling off. I’ve been wanting to do a post for about a week now, but wasn’t sure what to say. I have a few new things starting this week, though, and I want to talk about them.

First new thing is I’m starting a Biggest Loser Challenge with my 30-somethings with 100 or More to Lose team at If you’ve never heard of Sparkpeople, it’s very similar to Weight Watchers, I think, but is exclusively online. And also free. It’s a nice little supplement to the WW program, I think. WW is great as far as the point system goes. I find it much easier and less time-consuming than counting calories, anyway. And I like the meetings, of course, but sparkpeople is there all the time. And as a person who talks to nearly everybody via the internet in some way, I find it very easy to use.

Er, that totally sounded like a commercial for Sparkpeople. I swear, they did not pay me to say any of those things. And until recently, I wasn’t even really using my SP account. But I need a jump start, and I thought this biggest loser challenge would be a good way to go. If you’re at SparkPeople, look me up! Being a bit of an introvert, I don’t have many friends there yet. But I’m working on it!

Getting back to the getting on the wagon thing, I’m on a bit of a streak workout-wise. January and February sucked as far as being sick and icky women stuff that I won’t ever subject you to. Plus, the weather was not great and my S.A.D. was in full swing. But March has been good to me thus far. I got sick and tired of bouncing between 330 and 340 on the scale, so I finally put pen to paper (so to speak) and started working out again. This is the beginning of week three, averaging about 1 hour a day of exercise, with one day off (Saturdays). I feel like I’m getting slimmer, if not losing weight, so that’s a good sign. And I really do feel better after I’ve worked out. I’m a weird one in that I like to work out. I like to feel the burn in my muscles, and I like to have to mop the sweat off my brow.

Last week was the best, though. It was the nicest week of the year thus far, with temps in the 60s and the sun shining every day. I thought about going for a walk in the afternoons, but didn’t make it until Friday. And boy did I WALK. 4.2 miles! It was chillier than it had been, plus it was cloudy, but it felt really good to get outside. And it is soooooo much easier for me to walk outside than it is to walk on the treadmill, even if I’m watching tv. This week is supposed to be nice, too, so I’m going to make sure I get outside as much as I can.

The final new thing for me this week is that I’m setting some mini-goals, that aren’t necessarily weight-related. One of them is that I have to get to bed by 9:30 every. single. night. Though I will give myself a 10 minute window. Everybody’s gotta have a little bit of leeway! But this is something that I had done in the past with quite a bit of success, however I’ve been pretty lax with it recently. It helps me to get up in the morning, which helps motivate me to work out. Win win all around.

Another goal I’ve set is that I have to cut my sugar intake. I have been eating waaaaaaaay too many sweets, and even though they’re low in points, it’s still not good for me. I was able to do it once for a couple of weeks, but it all went to hell when I got sick (do we see a pattern emerging?), so I’m taking small steps to climb back up on that wagon again. Although… I am giving myself one day to have two sweets, but for this week only. Seeing as how Thursday is my birthday ;)

The final mini-goal is to start using my neti pot at night, as well as in the morning. I suffer from seasonal (also called year-round) allergies, and I KNOW that I feel better if I use it, but just can’t seem to get in a groove. Until recently. The past few weeks, I’ve been using it right after I take my morning vitamins. So now I’m going to try to remember to do it at night after I brush my teeth before going to bed. I did it last night and noticed that I didn’t feel the pressure in my face like I usually do when I wake up.

Y’all are bored to tears now, aren’t you? Hah, well, I’ll get better at this blogging thing, I promise!

May 2024

How to Find Me