My body sucks.

Just when I’m about to get on a roll (a two-day roll, but still a roll!) with working out, my body betrays me.

I manage to wake up at 5:30 for the second morning in a row, and I feel pretty good. But when I bend over to pick up the cats’ food dishes and stand back up again… Hooo boy. I can’t even really describe what I felt, other than it felt like the left side of my body was trying to make a break for it. So, no workout this morning.

I think it was a combination of doing stair-stepping yesterday morning, and messing around with my stability ball last night. Oh, and then there were the side bend things I was doing, too.

My weight loss plan isn’t strictly relegated to one program. I have my core food program, and then I’m using several different sources to craft my workout routine. Yesterday was the first day, and what it entails is doing 5 minutes of cardio, 5 minutes of upper body strength training, 5 minutes of lower body strength training, 5 minutes of core training, and the 5 more minutes of cardio. In between the sets during weight training, I was doing a stepper-type move to keep my heart rate up. So, I think I’m going to have to change that for the future. Experimentation and all of that.

Then, last night I was using my stability ball as a chair again. I have severe issues with posture, and I’ve heard from friends that the ball could help. However, I was kind of/sort of fooling around on it last night, which is never a good idea, obviously.

Except now it’s 8:00, I’ve eaten breakfast, and it doesn’t feel so bad anymore. So maybe…